Student Services
The Mercer County Technical Education Center offers a variety of services to prepare students for a successful career upon completion. Staff and administration work tirelessly to equip students with the skills and information they need to achieve their career aspirations.
Goals and Objectives
The Mercer County Technical Education Center has a plan for administering, evaluating, and utilizing data collected from post-secondary students to determine the effectiveness of Student Services provided by the school.
Student Services Personnel:
The Mercer County Technical Education Center employs several facilitators for student services. The position and duties are listed below.
Student Affairs/ACE Coordinator
Freddy Simon III
Student Retention
Student Discipline
Student Attendance
Student Safety
Coordinator of Adult Part-Time Programs
Coordinator of Community Interest Programs
Recruitment & Technical Center Facilitator
Kimberly Rotenberry
Articulation Agreements
Career and College Events
Embedded Credits
Middle School Career Exploration
Recruitment Activities
Student Support Services Facilitator
Kimberly Mutterback
Student Financial Aid
Student Admissions
Student Placement Services
Student Transcripts
Federal Program Liaison
Data Collection and Entry
Federal/ WVEIS Reporting